Get Involved
Linkerd isn’t just the software, it’s the community around it—and that community begins with you. Join us!
For live conversation and quick questions, join the Linkerd Slack workspace. Don’t forget to say hi!
Visit Buoyant’s Linkerd Forum for troubleshooting, technical questions, and longer-form discussions.
Use Stack Overflow for general questions and answers on deploying and configuring Linkerd.
Don’t forget to follow Linkerd on Twitter for the latest news and announcements.
Want to contribute? Great! The GitHub repo is the place to get started, especially the issues marked “help wanted”. And don’t forget to join
Giving a talk or hosting a meetup? Our meet-up-in-a-box has what you need.
Interested in learning more about Linked governance? Read our steering committee charter and our commitment to open governance.
Want to share your Linkerd experience with others, but don’t know how to get started? We’ll help you tell your story with the Community Anchor program.
Finally, don’t forget to sign up to receive announcements and critical security updates on the CNCF Linkerd mailing list.