Installing Linkerd with Helm
Linkerd can optionally be installed via Helm rather than with the linkerd install
Prerequisite: identity certificates
The identity component of Linkerd requires setting up a trust anchor
certificate, and an issuer certificate with its key. These must use the ECDSA
P-256 algorithm and need to be provided to Helm by the user (unlike when using
the linkerd install
CLI which can generate these automatically). You can
provide your own, or follow these instructions
to generate new ones.
Adding Linkerd’s Helm repository
# To add the repo for Linkerd2 stable releases:
helm repo add linkerd
# To add the repo for Linkerd2 edge releases:
helm repo add linkerd-edge
The following instructions use the linkerd
repo. For installing an edge
release, just replace with linkerd-edge
Helm install procedure
# set expiry date one year from now, in Mac:
exp=$(date -v+8760H +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
# in Linux:
exp=$(date -d '+8760 hour' +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
helm install linkerd2 \
--set-file global.identityTrustAnchorsPEM=ca.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.crtPEM=issuer.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.keyPEM=issuer.key \
--set identity.issuer.crtExpiry=$exp \
The chart values will be picked from the chart’s values.yaml
You can override the values in that file by providing your own values.yaml
file passed with a -f
option, or overriding specific values using the family of
flags like we did above for certificates.
Disabling The Proxy Init Container
If installing with CNI, make sure that you add the --set global.cniEnabled=true
flag to your helm install
Setting High-Availability
The chart contains a file values-ha.yaml
that overrides some
default values as to set things up under a high-availability scenario, analogous
to the --ha
option in linkerd install
. Values such as higher number of
replicas, higher memory/cpu limits and affinities are specified in that file.
You can get ahold of values-ha.yaml
by fetching the chart files:
helm fetch --untar linkerd/linkerd2
Then use the -f
flag to provide the override file, for example:
## see above on how to set $exp
helm install linkerd2 \
--set-file global.identityTrustAnchorsPEM=ca.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.crtPEM=issuer.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.keyPEM=issuer.key \
--set identity.issuer.crtExpiry=$exp \
-f linkerd2/values-ha.yaml \
Customizing the Namespace
To install Linkerd to a different namespace than the default linkerd
override the Namespace
By default, the chart creates the control plane namespace with the disabled
label. It is required for the
control plane to work correctly. This means that the chart won’t work with
Helm v2’s --namespace
option. If you’re relying on a separate tool to create
the control plane namespace, make sure that:
- The namespace is labeled with disabled
- The
is set tofalse
- The
variable is overridden with the name of your namespace
Helm upgrade procedure
Make sure your local Helm repos are updated:
helm repo update
helm search linkerd2 -v L5D2_STABLE_VERSION
linkerd/linkerd2 <chart-semver-version> L5D2_STABLE_VERSION Linkerd gives you observability, reliability, and securit...
The helm upgrade
command has a number of flags that allow you to customize
its behaviour. The ones that special attention should be paid to are
and --reset-values
and how they behave when charts change
from version to version and/or overrides are applied through --set
. To summarize there are the following prominent cases that can be
with no overrides - all values are reused--reuse-values
with overrides - all except the values that are overridden are reused--reset-values
with no overrides - no values are reused and all changes from provided release are applied during the upgrade--reset-values
with overrides - no values are reused and changed from provided release are applied together with the overrides- no flag and no overrides -
will be used by default - no flag and overrides -
will be used by default
Bearing all that in mind, you have to decide whether you want to reuse the
values in the chart or move to the values specified in the newer chart.
The advised practice is to use a values.yaml
file that stores all custom
overrides that you have for your chart. Before upgrade, check whether there
are breaking changes to the chart (i.e. renamed or moved keys, etc). You can
consult the edge or the
stable chart docs, depending on
which one your are upgrading to. If there are, make the corresponding changes to
your values.yaml
file. Then you can use:
helm upgrade linkerd2 linkerd/linkerd2 --reset-values -f values.yaml --atomic
The --atomic
flag will ensure that all changes are rolled back in case the
upgrade operation fails