This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. In Linkerd 2.14 (current), this document no longer exists.


Display traffic stats about one or many resources.


# Get all deployments in the test namespace.
linkerd stat deployments -n test

# Get the hello1 replication controller in the test namespace.
linkerd stat replicationcontrollers hello1 -n test

# Get all namespaces.
linkerd stat namespaces

# Get all inbound stats to the web deployment.
linkerd stat deploy/web

# Get all inbound stats to the pod1 and pod2 pods
linkerd stat po pod1 pod2

# Get all inbound stats to the pod1 pod and the web deployment
linkerd stat po/pod1 deploy/web

# Get all pods in all namespaces that call the hello1 deployment in the test namespace.
linkerd stat pods --to deploy/hello1 --to-namespace test --all-namespaces

# Get all pods in all namespaces that call the hello1 service in the test namespace.
linkerd stat pods --to svc/hello1 --to-namespace test --all-namespaces

# Get all services in all namespaces that receive calls from hello1 deployment in the test namespace.
linkerd stat services --from deploy/hello1 --from-namespace test --all-namespaces

# Get all trafficsplits and their leaf services.
linkerd stat ts

# Get the hello-split trafficsplit and its leaf services.
linkerd stat ts/hello-split

# Get all trafficsplits and their leaf services, and metrics for any traffic coming to the leaf services from the hello1 deployment.
linkerd stat ts --from deploy/hello1

# Get all namespaces that receive traffic from the default namespace.
linkerd stat namespaces --from ns/default

# Get all inbound stats to the test namespace.
linkerd stat ns/test


If present, returns stats across all namespaces, ignoring the “–namespace” flag
--fromIf present, restricts outbound stats from the specified resource name
--from-namespaceSets the namespace used from lookup the “–from” resource; by default the current “–namespace” is used
Namespace of the specified resource
Output format; one of: “table” or “json” or “wide”
Selector (label query) to filter on, supports ‘=’, ‘==’, and ‘!=’
Stat window (for example: “15s”, “1m”, “10m”, “1h”). Needs to be at least 15s.
--toIf present, restricts outbound stats to the specified resource name
--to-namespaceSets the namespace used to lookup the “–to” resource; by default the current “–namespace” is used