This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. You may want the Linkerd 2.14 (current) documentation instead.


Output service profile config for Kubernetes.

Check out the service profile documentation for more details on what this command does and what you can do with service profiles.


# Output a basic template to apply after modification.
linkerd profile -n emojivoto --template web-svc

# Generate a profile from an OpenAPI specification.
linkerd profile -n emojivoto --open-api web-svc.swagger web-svc

# Generate a profile from a protobuf definition.
linkerd profile -n emojivoto --proto Voting.proto vote-svc

# Generate a profile by watching live traffic based off tap data.
linkerd profile -n emojivoto web-svc --tap deploy/web --tap-duration 10s --tap-route-limit 5


Namespace of the service
--open-apiOutput a service profile based on the given OpenAPI spec file
--protoOutput a service profile based on the given Protobuf spec file
--tapOutput a service profile based on tap data for the given target resource
--tap-durationDuration over which tap data is collected (for example: “10s”, “1m”, “10m”)
--tap-route-limitMax number of routes to add to the profile
--templateOutput a service profile template