Installing Linkerd with Helm
Linkerd can be installed via Helm rather than with the linkerd install
command. This is recommended for production, since it allows for repeatability.
Prerequisite: generate identity certificates
To do automatic mutual TLS, Linkerd requires
trust anchor certificate and an issuer certificate and key pair. When you’re
using linkerd install
, we can generate these for you. However, for Helm,
you will need to generate these yourself.
Please follow the instructions in Generating your own mTLS root certificates to generate these.
Helm install procedure for stable releases
# To add the repo for Linkerd stable releases:
helm repo add linkerd
# To add the repo for Linkerd edge releases:
helm repo add linkerd-edge
The following instructions use the linkerd
repo. For installing an edge
release, just replace with linkerd-edge
, and add the --devel
flag to all
Helm install procedure
You need to install two separate charts in succession: first linkerd-crds
then linkerd-control-plane
The linkerd-crds
chart sets up the CRDs linkerd requires:
helm install linkerd-crds linkerd/linkerd-crds \
-n linkerd --create-namespace
The linkerd-control-plane
chart sets up all the control plane components:
helm install linkerd-control-plane \
-n linkerd \
--set-file identityTrustAnchorsPEM=ca.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.crtPEM=issuer.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.keyPEM=issuer.key \
Enabling high availability mode
The linkerd-control-plane
chart contains a file values-ha.yaml
that overrides
some default values to set things up under a high-availability scenario, analogous
to the --ha
option in linkerd install
. Values such as higher number of
replicas, higher memory/cpu limits, and affinities are specified in those files.
You can get values-ha.yaml
by fetching the chart file:
helm fetch --untar linkerd/linkerd-control-plane
Then use the -f
flag to provide this override file. For example:
helm install linkerd-control-plane \
-n linkerd \
--set-file identityTrustAnchorsPEM=ca.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.crtPEM=issuer.crt \
--set-file identity.issuer.tls.keyPEM=issuer.key \
-f linkerd-control-plane/values-ha.yaml \
Upgrading with Helm
First, make sure your local Helm repos are updated:
helm repo update
helm search repo linkerd
linkerd/linkerd-crds <chart-semver-version> Linkerd gives you observability, reliability, and securit...
linkerd/linkerd-control-plane <chart-semver-version> L5D2_STABLE_VERSION Linkerd gives you observability, reliability, and securit...
During an upgrade, you must choose whether you want to reuse the values in the
chart or move to the values specified in the newer chart. Our advice is to use
a values.yaml
file that stores all custom overrides that you have for your
The helm upgrade
command has a number of flags that allow you to customize its
behavior. Special attention should be paid to --reuse-values
and how they behave when charts change from version to version
and/or overrides are applied through --set
and --set-file
. For example:
with no overrides - all values are reused--reuse-values
with overrides - all except the values that are overridden are reused--reset-values
with no overrides - no values are reused and all changes from provided release are applied during the upgrade--reset-values
with overrides - no values are reused and changed from provided release are applied together with the overrides- no flag and no overrides -
will be used by default - no flag and overrides -
will be used by default
Finally, before upgrading, check whether there are breaking changes to the chart
(i.e. renamed or moved keys, etc). You can consult the
or the
chart docs, depending on
which one your are upgrading to. If there are, make the corresponding changes to
your values.yaml
file. Then you can use:
# the linkerd-crds chart currently doesn't have a values.yaml file
helm upgrade linkerd-crds linkerd/linkerd-crds
# whereas linkerd-control-plane does
helm upgrade linkerd-control-plane linkerd/linkerd-control-plane --reset-values -f values.yaml --atomic
The --atomic
flag will ensure that all changes are rolled back in case the
upgrade operation fails.