This is not the latest version of Linkerd!
This documentation is for an older version of Linkerd. In Linkerd 2.14 (current), this document no longer exists.

Upgrading to Linkerd 2.10: ports and protocols

Linkerd 2.10 introduced some significant changes to the way that certain types of traffic are handled. These changes may require new or different configuration on your part.

What were the changes?

The majority of traffic “just works” in Linkerd. However, there are certain types of traffic that Linkerd cannot handle without additional configuration. This includes “server-speaks-first” protocols such as MySQL and SMTP, as well (in some Linkerd versions) protocols such as Postgres and Memcache. Linkerd’s protocol detection logic is unable to efficiently handle these protocols.

In Linkerd 2.9 and earlier, these protocols were handled by simply bypassing them. Users could mark specific ports as “skip ports” and ensure that traffic to these ports would not transit Linkerd’s data plane proxy. To make this easy, Linkerd 2.9 and earlier shipped with a default set of skip ports which included 25 (SMTP), 443 (client-initiated TLS), 587 (SMTP), 3306 (MySQL), 5432 (Postgres), and 11211 (Memcache).

In the 2.10 release, Linkerd introduced three changes to the way that protocols are detected and handled:

  1. It added an opaque ports feature, which disables protocol detection on specific ports. This means Linkerd 2.10 can now handle these protocols and provide TCP-level metrics, mTLS, etc.
  2. It replaced the default list of skip ports with a default list of opaque ports, covering the same ports. This means that the default behavior for these protocols is to transit the proxy rather than bypass it.
  3. It changed the handling of connections to continue even if protocol detection times out. This means that attempting e.g. server-speaks-first protocols through the proxy without skip ports or opaque ports configuration has a better behavior: instead of failing, the proxy will forward the connection (with service discovery, TCP load balancing, and mTLS) after a 10-second connect delay.

What does this mean for me?

In short, it means that there are several types of traffic that, in Linkerd 2.9 and earlier, simply bypassed the proxy by default, but that in Linkerd 2.10 now transit the proxy. This is a good thing!—you are using Linkerd for a reason, after all—but it has some implications in certain situations.

What do I need to change?

As part of Linkerd 2.10, you may need to update your configuration in certain situations.

SMTP, MySQL, Postgres, or Memcache traffic to an off-cluster destination

If you have existing SMTP, MySQL, Postgres, or Memcache traffic to an off-cluster destination, on the default port for that protocol, then you will need to update your configuration.

Behavior in 2.9: Traffic automatically skips the proxy.
Behavior in 2.10: Traffic automatically transits the proxy, and will incur a 10-second connect delay.
Steps to upgrade: Use skip-outbound-ports to mark the port so as to bypass the proxy. (There is currently no ability to use opaque ports in this situation.)

Client-initiated TLS calls at startup

If you have client-initiated TLS calls to any destination, on- or off-cluster, you may have to update your configuration if these connections are made at application startup and not retried.

Behavior in 2.9: Traffic automatically skips the proxy.
Behavior in 2.10: Traffic automatically transits the proxy.
Steps to upgrade: See “Connecting at startup” below.

An existing skip-ports configuration

If you have an existing configuration involving skip-inbound-ports or skip-outbound-ports annotations, everything should continue working as is. However, you may choose to convert this configuration to opaque ports.

Behavior in 2.9: Traffic skips the proxy.
Behavior in 2.10: Traffic skips the proxy.
Steps to upgrade: Optionally, change this configuration to opaque ports to take advantage of metrics, mTLS (for meshed destinations), etc. See “Connecting at startup” below if any of these connections happen at application startup and are not retried.

Note: Connecting at startup

There is one additional consideration for traffic that previously skipped the proxy but now transits the proxy. If your application makes connections at startup time, those connections will now require the proxy to be active before they succeed. Unfortunately, Kubernetes currently provides no container ordering constraints, so the proxy may not be active before the application container starts. Thus, if your application does not retry with sufficient leeway to allow the proxy to start up, it may fail. (This typically manifests as container restarts.)

To handle this situation, you have four options:

  1. Ignore the container restarts. (It’s “eventually consistent”.)
  2. Use linkerd-await to make the application container wait for the proxy to be ready before starting.
  3. Set a skip-outbound-ports annotation to bypass the proxy for that port. (You will lose Linkerd’s features for that connection.)
  4. Add retry logic to the application to make it resilient to transient network failures.

The last option is arguably the “rightest” approach, but not always the most practical.

In the future, Kubernetes may provide mechanisms for specifying container startup ordering, at which point this will no longer be an issue.

How do I set an opaque port or skip port?

Ports can be marked as opaque ports or as skip ports via Kubernetes annotations. These annotations can be set at the namespace, workload, or service level. The linkerd inject CLI command provides flags to set these annotations; they are also settable as defaults in the Helm config.